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Population Council, Inc.

One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, NY - 10017

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About Population Council, Inc.

The Population Council is dedicated to improving the reproductive health and well-being of the most vulnerable individuals in developing countries. Council researchers focus their efforts on three programs: HIV and AIDS; Poverty, Gender, and Youth; and Reproductive Health. Researchers draw on the multidisciplinary knowledge of colleagues from their own program as well as the other two programs to think broadly in developing, implementing, and testing programs that can help improve people?s lives. They collaborate extensively with local and regional governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide to expand access to quality health services; increase the options for safe, affordable, and reversible contraception for men as well as women; and shape policies and programs to improve health outcomes. Council researchers also advocate for solutions to real-world problems?solutions that are evidence-based, rigorously tested, evaluated, and proven effective.The Council has a network of offices in 18 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and over 500 staff members who hail from 33 countries. An international board of 18 individuals from 6 countries governs the organization. Council headquarters and biomedical laboratories are located in New York. The Council also has an office in Washington DC.

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