1411 Algonquin Pkwy
Louisville, KY - 40210
(502) 634-6050
Services include emergency financial assistance; emergency food; employment services; family intervention, truancy prevention; child abuse prevention & intervention; alcohol and drug case management; community outreach; information and referrals; and Healthy Relationships Workshops. Referrals to on-site programs that are available to public housing residents include the Self Sufficiency Program and GED classes. GED classes are also open to the public. Health related services: WIC, Healthy Start Outreach & Resources, perinatal case management, parenting classes for parents of children up to the age of 2, and a Healthy Start baby store. Neighborhood Places have different service areas for different types of services. Individuals may apply for services at any Neighborhood Place, but once they are in the system, may be reassigned to a different Neighborhood Place location.** This site no longer provides immunizations, community coordinated child care or 4C assistance, family planning classes, or a BRIDGES teen group. 5/27/10 **