810 Barret Ave 1st Floor
Louisville, KY - 40204
(502) 574-6638
Provides a single point of entry for persons needing financial assistance, child or adult welfare, health and mental health services, WIC, juvenile services, and school-related services. Services are provided through a collaboration of Jefferson County Public Schools, Health Dept., Dept. for Human Services, Seven Counties Services, Inc., and the Kentucky Cabinet for Families & Children, Department for Community-Based Services. Parenting classes for parents of children up to 2 years of age are offered as part of the Healthy Start program. Classes are free, and if appointments are kept, participants receive coupons to Baby Store. Neighborhood Places have different service areas for different types of services. Individuals may apply for services at any Neighborhood Place, but once they are in the system, may be reassigned to a different Neighborhood Place location.