PO Box 4021
Atlanta, GA - 30302
Our Mission: WADT Inc. realizes that in addition to the risks and obstacles faced by all poor people, poor battered women face an additional batterer-generated risks, of abject poverty and homelessness. We further realize that the children (innocent by-standers) also suffer similar fate. Our mission is therefore to break the vicious cycle of poverty through micro-enterprise technical training in order to foster economic self-sufficiency through self-determination which we hope will generate a multiplier effect and foster economic growth in their various communities.In order to properly address and provide a lasting economic solution to abject poverty WADT has developed programs and services that assist candidates with personal and professional development incorporating and integrating Domestic Violence Counseling services into the core curriculum of our business technical initiative as well as providing and establishing an incubator in order to adequately and effectively monitor post-graduate successes.