Jacksonville, FL -
(904) 630-3820
The Jacksonville Housing Authority administers: 1) Voucher Program allows families to select a rental unit anywhere in the greater Duval County area. The family may not pay more than forty percent (40%) of adjusted monthly income towards rent. The authority determines reasonable rent. The authority will pay an appropriate amount toward the rent to the landlord; 2) Project Based Assistance Program (PBA) provides the option to reside in specific units that have been either constructed or rehabilitated for this program. Unlike the voucher program, assistance remains with the unit, not the family; 3) Moderate Rehabilitation Program (Mod Rehab), like the PBA program, the assistance remains with the unit. Families are eligible for assistance only as long as client remains in the Mod Rehab unit; 4) Single Room Occupancy Program (SRO) are units for the single, homeless individuals in either Liberty Center I, Liberty Center II, or Liberty Center III. The assistance remains with the unit, not the participant.