P O Box 4350
Carlsbad, CA - 92018
(760) 845-8838
We assist those who are not always able to avail themselves of help from some of the larger organizations. Founded by Tina Marino in 1997, The Encouragement Center makes large, healthy sack lunches and takes them to the hungry people on the streets of north San Diego County. There are many people who do not, for one reason or another, have access to the available shelters where food is served. We go directly to the streets to find these hungry people. In addition to sack lunches, we take coffee, soup, gloves, beanies, socks, blankets, toiletries and various donated clothing. The Encouragement Center also provides for the "working poor", those with a roof over their heads but not much else. Some months they have to choose to not eat in order to keep that roof over their heads. We provide groceries, household items, diapers, and furniture to these people.