1815 Arnold Drive
Martinez, CA - 94553
(925) 295-1038
The mission of SHELTER, Inc. is to prevent homelessness and to promote self-sufficiency among low-income residents of Contra Costa.Rental assistance/ Case management The goal of the Homeless Prevention Program is to prevent families and individuals from losing housing and entering the homeless service system. We provide one-time assistance with a portion of either the deposit or rent for rental housing in Contra Costa County. A limited amount of funds are also available to prevent mortgage foreclosure. To apply, please call 925-295-1038 one time only on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays (except holidays) between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and leave a message. Your call will be returned within two weeks. Calls made at any other time cannot be returned. If you receive TANF/CalWorks, IHSS, CAPI, or ILSP, please contact your worker at the Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services Department for assistance. Project Hearth Project Hearth is a unique collaboration between a group of private citizens and SHELTER, Inc. that has played a crucial role in assisting low-income families in Contra Costa County, preventing the onset of homelessness for the working poor.